La Cuisinière

(mis)adventures in the world of professional cooking

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

What a Wylie night!

Dinner at wd-50. Could a meal be frought with more potential pitfalls and culinary dangers? Probably not, but I doubt one could be as wildly succesful either. I came away from the table totally converted, a willing disciple of the Temple of Deconstruction. While a mere list of the dishes can't begin to explain the genius of the evening, it is a beginning.

Amuse bouche of edamame puree wrapped in mango noodle with dried salmon
Foie gras, candied olives, green peas, beet juice
Shrimp couscous, avocado, papaya, crispy kaffir
Turbot, salsify, smoked bulgur, coffee-saffron
Scallops, celery noodles, hazelnut-potato, pine needle oil

And for dessert:
Amuse bouche of mandarin orange granité with basil, olive oil and Maldon sea salt
Celery ice cream, peanut butter powder and poached raisins
Manchego cheesecake, foamed pineapple, pear
"French toast", maple gelée, raisin purée, brown butter ice cream, raisin paper
Butternut sorbet, pumpkin seed cake, chocolate soil, mole
Caramelized banana, smoked chocolate ice cream, stout


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